Tuesday, November 10, 2009

just so you know..

oh and one more thing, guys!

my uncle is having his holy martimony this saturday.
(wedding reception is gonna be next week)
and my lovely unbiological big sister is tying the knot this saturday too.

oh boy, im sure as hell that this saturday would be one of the most busy saturday ever!
** but exciting as well :P **

anyway, im on a tough strict diet this week because i wanted to look better on my dress for the two occasion ehehehe

i was kinda confused on what to wear, ci aline's wedding dresscode is bright and semiformal while for the holy martimony, i decided i dont have to wear fancy fancy stuffs.
so i choose my white simple dress that fits all the requirements. anyway, the dress was also made by my grandma :)
gonna post the pic of tht dress laters.

ciao lovelies! once again, enjoy your week! xx

1 comment:

  1. Hey, sorry this isn't related to your blog post, but I saw someone named hellohazel is following you on twitter... do you know them personally? My husband and I are starting a design business called Hazel Creative, and we would love love love to have that name. We're two poor college kids, but we'd be able to compensate a little if necessary, or find another way to return the favor.

    Also... tell them not to delete the account! Someone could grab it :) I'd rather do a transfer. My email is anna@annabaur.com

    Oh, and also... good luck with the wedding diet! I know how that is!
